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Michael Jackson


Media di seluruh dunia sedang di hebohkan dengan kematian michael jackson,mari kita sedikit imbas profil dan perjalanan hidup michael jackson
Seputar Mengenai Michael Jackson
Michael jackson terlahir pada 29 agustus 1958 Gary, indiana.Ayah jackson merupakan seorang yang disiplin tinggi dan galak.Bahkan waktu kecil michael jackson sering dicambuk dengan sabuk kulitnya.
Michael jackson meniti karir sejak berumur 7 tahun menganggotai kumpulan jackson 5.Rekaman solo pertamanya pada tahun 1971 dengan lagu got to be there bersama group nya.Selanjutnya michael jackson menerbitkan albumnya thiller yang merupakan album terlaris dengan 104 juta penjualan.
Dan pada november 2006, words musik award mengumumkan lebih dari 750 juta copy penjualan album michael jackson.
sehingga ia menjadikan michael jackson sebagai artis terlaris sepanjang jaman Michael jackso menikah pertama kali dengan Putri Elvis presley,liza marie pada 18 mei 1994 namun ternyata pernikahan tersebut tidak bertahan lebih dari dua tahun.Di khabarkan istri michael jackson tidak tahan dengan tingkahnya yang aneh,yaitu
tidur di dalam KERANDA OKSIGEN.
selanjut nya michael jackson menikah lagi dengan debby rowe namun akhirnya menemui kegagalan lagi alias bercerai pada oktober 1999
Saat Michael jacksone melakukan operasi kulit dan hidung.Dia mendapat kritikan dan tantangan besar dari ras africa-amerika.Dan melebelnya dengan dalih penghianatan terhadap ras nya.Termasuk tantangan dari ayahnya.Walupun michael jackson menyatakan,dia melakukan operasi hidung untuk membantunya Menyanyikan lagu-lagu bernada tinggi.Mengenai warna kulitnya dia mengatakan bahwa dia menderita kelainan warna kulit yang di sebut (vitiligo) yang mengakibatkan kulitnya berubah warna
dari aset kekayaan yang dimiliki,michael jackson mendirikan bangunan di neverland los angeles seluas 3000 acher.Yang juga dilengkapi kebun binatang pribadi.
kebun binatang mini tersebut akhirnya mengundang minat kanak kanak untuk datang melihat.
michael jackson juga memberikan kebebasan terhadap anak anak,termasuk untuk tidur di tempat tidurnya.
Inilah awal dari malapetaka keuangan michael jackson apa bila dia menjadi tertuduh pelecehan sexsual terhadap anak anak berusia 13 tahun pada tahun 1993 lalu.
selain gaya hidupnya yang super boros,dari kasus tersebut michael jackson menghabiskan sekurang kurangnya $20 juta pertahun untuk pembelaanya.Dan akirnya 25/06/2009 menjadi Akhir dari segala karir michael jackson yang dikarenakan over dosis Injeksi obat Penahan sakit dosis tinggi demerol.
demerol sendiri dikabarkan setara dengan morfin.
namun ada juga yang menyatakan karena kegagalan jantung
kematian michael jackson penyanyi heal the word telah menggemparkan dunia dan media.Bahkan google sempat eror dan wikipedia sempat kacau.Karena banyaknya akses pencari informasi tentang jacko
Apa yang menarik dari kematian michael jockson adalah,bahwa ternyata michel jackson masih di belit utang sebesar $500 Juta atau sekitar Rp.5 trilyun rupiah (detik.Com)
hal itu disebabkan gaya hidupnya yang super boros.Dan juga untuk biaya kasus kasusnya.(kasus pelecehan sexsual) seja 1993 lalu. Namun michel jackson masih memiliki aset senilai lebih dari $ 1 milyar
ternyata orang sekaya michael jackson juga masih punya banyak dan di belilit hutang.
Cerita tentang awalnya kemiskinan michael jackson
Sumber : Grace Rwaramba, sekretaris dan kemudian menjadi pengasuh anak-anaknya yang belasan tahun menemani Michael
. (42 tahun)
Saat dia bersiap terbang pulang ke AS untuk menenangkan ketiga anak yatim yang ditinggalkan Michael, Grace menerima telepon dari salah seorang keluarga Michael yang isinya sangat mengejutkannya.

Kepada wartawan News of the World, Daphne Barak, perempuan kulit hitam yang menjadi pengasuh anak-anak Michael itu berkata, "Kerabat (Michael) itu bilang, 'Grace, kamu ingat dimana Michael menyimpan uangnya? Aku lagi di sini (rumah Michael). Dimanakah gerangan uang itu?"

"Saya katakan kepada mereka, cari saja di kantong sampah dan di bawah karpet. Anda pasti nggak percaya kan? Mereka baru saja kehilangan Michael beberapa jam lalu dan salah seorang dari mereka meneleponku untuk menanyakan dimana uang (Michael) itu!

"Mereka juga bilang bahwa anak-anak (Michael) menangis dan menanyakanku. Mereka tak percaya ayahnya telah meninggal."

Ini adalah kali pertamanya Grace yang berusia 42 tahun, memecahkan kesunyian aksi tutup mulutnya setelah selama 17 tahun melayani Michael Jackson, lima tahun menjadi sekretarisnya dan 12 tahun menjadi pengasuh anak-anaknya.

Dalam wawancara yang terus terang, dia mengungkapkan soal-soal sensasional dari kehidupan si Raja Pop, mengenai bagaimana dia:

- Keranjingan obat-obatan sehingga perempuan ini harus memompa perut Michael untuk mencegahnya mengalami overdosis yang fatal.

- Mengurusi sedekah dan pinjaman dari teman-teman Michael yang murah hati menolongnya.

- Menghabiskan berminggu-minggu tinggal di lantai dasar sebuah rumah sempit mantan karyawannya baru-baru ini karena dia sudah bangkrut.

- Mengkhawatirkan anak-anak Michael yang sebenarnya membenci topeng yang Michael paksa kenakan ke anak-anaknya saat tampil di publik.

Sambil menahan tangis, Grace mengungkapkan kekhawatirannya atas nasib ketiga anak yatim - Prince (12), Paris (11) dan Prince Michael II yang berusia tujuh tahun yang dipanggil keluarganya dengan Blanket.

"Saya sungguh mengkhawatirkan mereka. Michael tidak pernah makan dan anak-anak takut kepadanya. Kini si bungsu berkata, 'Kenapa Ayah? Tuhan harusnya mengambilku, bukan dia," papar Grace.

Perempuan kelahiran Uganda ini mengungkapkan bahwa dia sengaja kembali ke Amerika untuk menemui reporter TV Daphne Barak, padahal dia sedang berliburan di Swiss setelah dengan kasar dipecat Michael yang sedang uring-uringan dua bulan sebelumnya. Dan Kamis dia berteriak kaget karena mendapat kabar kematian majikannya itu.

Grace kini menjadi pusat pertarungan hak memperoleh pengasuhan anak-anak Michael yang nilainya mencapai miliaran dolar AS, dan sedang diincar oleh ibunda Michael, Katherine (79). Dua anak Michael yang terdahulu lahir dari rahim istri keduanya, mantan perawat Debbie Rowe.

Grace berkata pada Daphne: "Saya mengasuh anak-anak itu sejak hari pertama mereka turun ke dunia. Mereka anak-anakku."

Grace menduga dia dipecat oleh Michael gara-gara dia menjadi sangat dekat dengan anak-anak Michael, namun sangat yakin akan segera dipanggil kembali oleh Michael.

Grace berkata Michael berulangkali memecatnya namun kemudian selalu memohonnya untuk kembali karena untuk mengurus dirinya sendiri pun dia tidak mampu, apalagi mengurusi ketiga anaknya.

Kepada Daphne dari News of the World, Grace berkata: "Anak-anak malang ini..Saya ditelepon bahwa mereka diabaikan. Tak ada yang membersihkan rumah karena Michael tidak mampu membayar pembantu.

"Saya ditelepon bahwa Michael sedang uring-uringan. Dia semrawutan. Dia tidak pernah bercukur. Dia juga tidak selera makan. Saya melakukan ini semua demi dia dan mereka mencoba membujukku untuk kembali."

Grace menyatakan kalau dia mengasihi dan menguatkan semangat anak-anak Michael, mereka justru memiliki hubungan dingin, gelisah dan hampa dengan ayah mereka yang aneh itu. Pria dengan siapa Grace menjadi pusat gunjingan bakal nikah pada 2006.

Grace berkata: "Saya memeluk dan tertawa bersama mereka. Tapi manakala ada Michael di dekat mereka, anak-anak itu jadi kaku. Saya sungguh kangen sama Blanket. Dia membuatku tertawa. Belum lama ini, dia mempersembahkan satu konser kepadaku. Dia lucu banget, menyanyikan Billie Jean dan lagu-lagu ayahnya yang lain.

"Saya tertawa terbahak-bahak. Prince dan Paris ikut bernyayi. Itulah saat yang paling membahagiakan. Tiba-tiba Michael datang mendekat dan anak-anak ketakutan. Michael begitu marah."

Mengenai masker yang dipaksakan Jacko untuk dikenakan anak-anaknya di depan publik, Grace membeberkan, "Anak-anak itu tidak menyukainya. Itu bukan ideku. Saya juga membencinya. Jadi kapan pun ada kesempatan aku selalu melepaskan masker-masker itu atau pura-pura lupa memasangkannya.

"Michael sering marah-marah. Namun yang paling mengesalkanku adalah anak-anak itu tidak didampingi seorang pun guru. Mereka tidak boleh bermain dengan anak-anak lain dan mereka tidak punya guru untuk mengajari mereka mempelajari dunia."

Grace juga mengatakan Michael Jackson telah membiarkan organisai agama fanatik Nation of Islam untuk mempengaruhi dirinya dan anak-anaknya.

Dia berkata, "Dia mengizinkan seorang perempuan anggota Nation of Islam...dia sangat kaku dan tidak tahu bagaimana menggandeng atau memeluk anak-anak itu."

Malam tadi teman dekat Michael, Deepak Chopra, memastikan, "Anak-anak (Michael) mencintai Grace dan mereka memanggilnya mum (bunda). Dialah satu-satunya orang yang (berani) berkata pada Michael apa yang sesungguhnya dalam kehidupan Michael."

Kepada Daphne Barak - yang pernah mewawancarai (pemimpin Zimbabwe) Robert Mugabe dan (penyanyi) Amy Winehouse - Grace mengungkapkan bahwa Michael begitu dikuasai obat-obatan.

Grace harus melangkah cepat menyelamatkan hidup Michael. Jacko menenggak koktail obat maut setiap hari, termasuk lebih dari tga tablet narkotik penghilang rasa sakit, termasuk Demerol.

Grace berkata, "Saya harus memompa perut Michael berulangkali (untuk mengeluarkan obat-obat itu)."

Pengasuh anak ini mengungkapkan bagaimana kasus kekerasan anak tahun 2005 telah membuat Michael kehilangan uang banyak sekali sehingga dia hidup menggantungkan diri dari sedekah dan pinjaman teman-temannya.

Herannya, kata Grace kepada Barack yang menayangkan wawancara ini dalam bentuk serial, begitu dia mendapat uang sumbangan atau pinjaman, dia menggunakannya untuk tinggal di hotel-hotel mewah, bukan membeli rumah.

Dia berkata, "Yang benar, Michael tidak punya uang. Suatu hari dia menerima banyak uang namun ketimbang dibelikan untuk rumah sehingga kami tak perlu lagi tinggal dari satu hotel ke hotel lain atau menumpang di rumah teman, dia malah menyuruhku, 'Ayo ke Florence (Italia) dan beli barang antik.'

"Dia menyuruhku membelanjakan 600.000 poundsterling (Rp10,2 miliar). Tapi kami bahkan tidak memiliki satu pun rumah karena kami menghamburkan-hamburkan semua itu."

Grace mengisahkan bagaimana Jacko tidak terlalu mengerti masalah keuangan sehingga uang itu hanya mampir sejenak ke rekening Grace, kemudian ditarik, lalu diberikan kepadanya bagaikan uang di saku saja.

Dia mengatakan, setelah kasus pelecehan anak tahun 2005, dia benar-benar tidak memiliki uang, dan saat itu saudaranya Jermaine Jackson menghubungkannya ke Sheikh Abdullah, putra Raja Bahrain yang kaya raya.

Grace mengungkapkan Abdullah mensponsori Michael dengan membayar para pengacara dan ongkos-ongkos lain yang luar biasa mahal, karena dipikirnya sang biduan akan membuatkannya sebuah pertunjukan amal dan satu album khusus untuknya.

Grace berkata: "Abdullah memanggilku suatu hari dan menanyakan nomor rekening untuk mengirimkan uang ke Michael. Jumlahnya 600.000 poundsterling, ditambah lagi 21.000 pounsterling (RpRp357 juta). Saudara-saudara Michael lainnya sedang membutuhkan uang juga. Maka itu Michael menyuruhku memberikan ATMku. Dan mereka menguras uang itu dari ATM setiap hari."

Grace mengatakan, Abdulllah sempat memperkarakan uangnya itu kepada Jacko, namun Jacko membantah telah dikirimi uang oleh Abdullah.

Penarikan uang dari ATM oleh saudara-saudaranya akhir berhenti hanya karena Grace mengancam melaporkan mereka ke IRS, kantor urusan pajak AS.

Tapi Grace buru-buru menambahkan, "Michael hanyalah orang yang tidak ingin dipusingkan oleh uang.

"Nation of Islam mengatakan padanya bahwa rumahnya yang di Los Angeles, setelah Neverland dijual, berongkos sewa 60.750 pounsterling (1,3 miliar) per bulan.

"Tetapi saya mengecek ke banyak perusahan real estate. Untuk menyewa rumah seperti itu tak lebih dari 12.000-15.000 poundsterling (sampai Rp255 juta).

"Sekali waktu dia mendapat tawaran 600.000 poundsterling untuk manggung di Jepang. Tapi ada banyak kepentingan bisnis yang terlibat di dalamnya dan saya mengingatkannya ketika seseorang mengambil bagiannya maka dia akan mendapat bagian lebih kecil. Dia tak menggubrisku. Dia pergi ke Jepang dan hanya mendapat 121.500 pounsterling (Rp2,06 miliar).

"Lalu dia mendapat tawaran kedua untuk show di Jepang dan kali ini dia hanya dihargai 121.500 pounsterling.

"Dia pergi, kemudian memutuskan tanpa pikir panjang untuk menghadiri pesta ulang tahun putera Sultan Brunei. Dia menghabiskan semua uangnya yang diperolehnya di Jepang untuk tinggal di satu hotel besar nan mewah."

Grace juga membeberkan bagaimana hanya beberapa saat sebelum kematiannya, Michael terpaksa tinggal di 'basement' rumah seorang mantan pegawainya di New Jersey.

"Kami kehabisan teman. Tiba-tiba kami muncul di depan rumah Frank Tyson. Tapi kini keluarga Frank tidak lagi kaya. Mereka tinggal di rumah mungil. Tetapi kami tinggal di sana tiga minggu, saya merasa terhina sekali."

Grace juga menakutkan tekanan tur comeback-nya London 02 yang dalam waktu dekat segera digelar, akan merugikan Michael.

Dia yakin Michael berada pada kondisi yang tidak disadarinya bahwa dia telah menandatangani konser untuk 50 kali manggung.

Tur ini sangat ditunggu karena si Raja Pop tidak pernah manggung kembali sejak penampilan buruknya pada World Music Awards tahun 2006, ketika dia hanya mampu menyanyikan dua bait lirik lagu "We Are The World."

Grace berkata, "Limapuluh kali manggung! Kataku, "Apa-apaan ini? Dia bilang 'Saya hanya tandatangan untuk 10 (kali manggung).' Dia tidak mengetahui apa yang ditandatanganinya. Dia tak pernah menandantangani (untuk 50 kali konser)." (*)
Bocoran Hasil Otopsi
Sumber : The Sun

“Rincian hasil otopsi yang mengerikan adalah penyanyi itu sebenarnya tinggal tulang –tidak ada makanan di perutnya kecuali pil – pil,” tulis The Sun.

Paha, pinggul, dan di bahunya ada bekas tusukan jarum suntik – yang diyakini sebagai injeksi narkotika penghilang nyeri. Suntikan itu diberikan tiga kali sehari dan sudah berlangsung bertahun-tahun.

Terdapat juga banyak bekas pembedahan yang kemungkinan adalah hasil dari 13 kali operasi kosmetik.

The Sun yang mengutip hasil otopsi itu menulis bahwa bintang dengan tinggi 5 kaki 10 inci (178,8cm) itu meninggal dalam keadaan “sangat kurus” yaitu sekitar 53 kg.

Hasil otopsi juga menunjukkan sang bintang bisa dibilang tidak punya rambut lagi. Saat meninggal dia mengenakan wig dan tinggal sedikit helai rambut di kulit kepalanya.

Kulit kepala di atas telinga kirinya sudah benar-benar botak dan ada bekas luka. Kemungkinan luka itu akibat kecelakaan tahun 1984 ketika rambut Michael Jackson terbakar saat pembuatan film iklan untuk Pepsi.

Di jenazah itu juga terdapat patah tulang rusuk, kemunginan akibat dadanya terus ditekan-tekan saat orang-orang berusaha menolongnya dari gagal jantung.

Ada empat bekas suntikan di sekitar jantung Jacko, julukan Michael Jackson. Kemungkinan suntikan itu berisi adrenalin yang diinjeksikan langsung ke jantung.

Tiga suntikan itu menembus dinding jantung dan menyebabkan kerusakan. Satu suntikan lain meleset dan malah kena tulang rusuknya.

Ada lebam di lutut Michael Jackson dan di dua tulang keringnya. Otopsi tidak berhasil menemukan penyebab luka tersebut.

Terdapat pula luka benda tajam di punggungnya yang merupakan indikasi dia baru jatuh.

“Raja musik pop” itu juga punya wajah yang penuh bekas sayatan bedah plastik.

Seorang sumber yang dekat dengan Jackson mengatakan “dia tinggal kulit dan tulang, rambutnya sudah rontok dan saat meninggal di perutnya tidak ada makanan dan hanya pil-pil. Bekas suntikan di seluruh tubuhnya serta kerusakan akibat bertahun-tahun bedah plastik menunjukkan bahwa dia sudah dalam tahap akhir kemerosotan.”

“Dokter-dokternya dan orang-orang di sekelilingnya menjadikan Michel Jackson menghancurkan diri sendiri. Harus ada yang dimintai pertanggungjawaban.”(*)

Kulit Michael Jackson (Ia menjalani bedah plastik karena penyakit vitiligo yang dideritanya)

Vitiligo Skin

Michael Jackson has always been dressed where he is completely covered since around the Thriller era. You may or may not notice in the rare occasion that Jackson has his wrists visible (most likely due to a button cuff of his shirt has been slightly opened). Now, if you missed the information regarding Jackson’s vitiligo, be sure to read about it here (thanks to Steady Laughing for the information!).

In 2002, he was bitten by a spider, so ignore the scars as they have nothing to do with vitiligo. Michael had lent his dermatologist permission to release these photos. No surprise to me almost not many people have seen them.

This seems to be a promotional still from 1988’s ‘The Way You Make Me Feel’ music video (note the right side of his neck).

A few candid pictures behind the scenes from the 1995 music video for ‘They Don’t Care About Us’.

In 1993, MJ granted an interview to Oprah Winfrey; something he rarely does. As the most viewed Oprah interview ever, this where Jackson first reveals that he has a skin disease, there was a clip that was never aired. I believe this was the part where he rolled up his sleeves and showed Oprah his arm.

A few candid shots from the Dangerous tour, 1992.

A candid shot from the early 90s, a unknowing Jackson’s wrists reveal spotting. If you ever wondered why Michael always wears clothes that covers himself from head to toe, this is the only reason.

In 2006.

Two candid pictures from the Triumph tour where Michael’s very heavy stage make-up is be running. (Read more about stage make up in reference to this discussion here). People made fun of him in the 1980s because of all the make up he wore (i.e. made him look feminine) but there was a reason as to why he used it.


Same as above, but from the Bad tour. At this point, he is starting use lighter make up. (Also note that you’ll see many pictures where the make up he is using for his face is not the right shade still. So he wasn’t always using ‘pasty white make up’).

Re: Discoid Lupus

Perubahan wajah michael jackson
1979 age 21

Hard to believe - this was Michael Jackson. He was born August 28, 1958 - one of 9 kids. His father reportedly nicknamed him "Big Nose".

Mike was born a cute African-American guy. "Normal", if you will, and very talented. Despite the current, sad stories about his lonely, sad childhood, Mike grew up surrounded by famous people and an adoring public. At age 5, Mike and his brothers were the amazing 'Jackson 5'. They played locally, then in New York and Philly. They were "discovered" by Gladys Knight and pianist Billy Taylor at the famous Apollo Theater in Harlem. By age 11, Mike was a Superstar. At age 13 he went solo and had his first #1 hit at 14 with "Ben" (a touching love song to a rat). Who knew he'd get addicted to plastic surgery, face accusations of child molestation and end up America's Most Famous Sideshow?

1984 age 26

Mike gets his nose slightly narrowed and his eyebrows shaped. This was his "Thriller" Era and he was smokin'. People did notice this facial change and commented on it - guys just didn't do this back then.
Some in the Black community made comments about him having a problem with his African-American
looks and making his nose more "White". H
e was cute as hell, though. Oh, baby. He gave coherent interviews. He had a cute sense of humor and was seen on TV doing other things besides whining, faking tears and defending legal charges. He didn't wear a face mask in public. He smiled a big, infectious smile. He was humble and grateful for his fame and his fans' appreciation. He made hit after hit, celebrated music videos one after another, sealed obscenely huge record sales and contracts. He had unprecedented $ponsorship deals with Pepsi, and LA Gear Sportwear. People stood in line at 1AM to purchase "Thriller" when it came out, even though the store didn't open until 9 AM.

1985 age 27

  • The shark music from "Jaws" starts softly in the background...

Another nose job to narrow things and permanent eyeliner tattooed around his eyes. Ouch! Is that lipstick?! Hell, it's the 80s - it's allowed. During that time he had an army of spin doctors, lawyers, bodyguards, agents, minions, PR magicians, attendants, and managers all making sure he no one had a clue about his personal life but what did we care? He was doing amazing, selfless things - contributing to children's charities and starting his own "Heal The World Foundation"; cowriting the famous "We Are The World" song to help African famine victims. He was given the Heritage Award and praised by Queen Liz, President Reagan and others. Mike was everywhere, giving as much as he got and letting us all know how blessed he was. There was no one who wasn't impressed and didn't sprain an ankle trying to imitate his "Moon Walk" in their living room.

Almost, but not quite,
The Rock Horror Show

1987 age 29

  • The Sigourney Weaver in "Ghostbusters" Stage - The beginning of the end.
OK, people and the press are really talking now. Gasps are audibly heard. He gets his nose done again, and, in a move that will forever baffle the world, neglects to sue the bastard who botched the surgery job on him. He suddenly has cheek bones. In a mere year and a half his skin's gone from beautiful cocoa bronze to fish belly white. He first denies this, then blames it on the medical condition Vitiligo which causes people of color to develop light patches of skin that lack pigment. Well he doesn't say this, his "people" say this. Mike ain't saying a thing which is odd considering the good he could do to bring this little understood condition to public light. Rumors abound that he's been allegedly taking female hormones (note the clever use of the word "allegedly" to avoid a law suit) to remove facial hair and keep that voice of his at the 12 year old boy pitch. He's talking in a Marilyn Monroe Little Girl Whisper. He's started the Spin of the misunderstood, picked-upon Victim instead of an increasingly weird 30 year old man. He's creepy. People are making jokes that only in America can you be born a black man and end up a white woman. Talented or no, the fact is we're realizing that Michael Has Issues.

1991 age 32

  • The "LaToilet" stage
In an insult to transvestite men everywhere - who can look pretty damn good in a dress and makeup and can project alluring female charm - when Mike does this, he doesn't even have the decency to stop grabbing his crotch every 1.0045 seconds and allowing that image for us. His skin is getting lighter still even though it's supposedly already been lightened (or not...who do you believe? Him or his PR people?). His public antics are presented weekly, as are his new lip colors. He should pick a damn color and stick with it already. Eyebrows were whittled down to Joan Crawford peaks. He now has an interesting, manly cleft in his chin and a dropped, square jawline. The joke was that he was really his sister LaToya - you notice you never saw them in the same room together? He gets his nose done again and now sports little teeny triangles for nostrils and a sharp razor ridge you could grate cheese on. Popular opinion is he "fucked it up". He defends himself in the press by asking why people make such a Thang out of it... a lot of people get a little nose work done! and it's not national news! Sheesh already! Can't you leave him alone?! He's got a skin disease! (although having Vitilgo has nothing to do with having nonstop plastic surgery). He had a bad childhood! He's a nice person! He recycles his plastics! Even people in his 'camp' are publicly saying the man's elevator isn't going to the top floor anymore.

LaToya. I think

1993 age 34
  • The "Judy Jetson"/Flying Monkey look..and the year It all began..
He messed with it all again. Current Color: toilet paper pink. Cheeks: Squirrel socking nuts away for the winter. Reportedly the tip of his nose is so damaged from the operations that the tissue has died, and he's now wearing a fake prothesis tip. (Ya think? ). This unnecessary and seemingly nonstop alteration has passed into the realm of "self-mutilation" and when the shocking news of child molestation charges come to light, it's the last straw for his sponsors Pepsi, LA Gear and others who cancel his contracts. The public, who forgave his mounting eccentricities because of his incredible talents nod in silence about it all, unsurprised. Most remark that someone with this going on visibly outside has to have a lot of demons going on inside. In his defense, Mike launches his second career as Whining, Weeping, Hurt, Offended, Innocent Victim. Like being instantly on the verge of tears at any legit question he wants to avoid is also "normal".
Ms. Judy Jetson

1997 age 38

Bizarro Michael

  • The "Alcoholic Housewife" look...

... didn't catch on either. Even the staunch defenders of Michael's sanity have to admit the boy's cheese has slid off his cracker. Mike gets a fake chin implant and suddenly loses his cleft chin, the sides of his face are stretched taut, his nose isn't pointing North anymore and it's anyone's guess what the hell he did to his skin this time. The Art of Cosmetology seems to be an unknown science in his part of the world and he's getting his face done at the local morgue. He has new lipstick (my shade!) and jokes abound that he's turned into Diana Ross. He is a ghoul and seems to be a sick puppy with all this stuff he's done to himself and his bizarre antics in public. Each photo that shows up in the coming years never fails to make people's jaws drop. Mike gets worked up saying he doesn't see why everyone but him can have a little nip and tuck on the nose but let him go have a tiny bit and BOY O BOY it's National News. ::fake sob!:: He doesn't think he looks that different and wishes people would leave him alone. We wish he'd leave his face alone.

Bizarro Superman

1999 age 41
  • The Batman Period - Holy Joker!
New chin again. Nose again. New cheeks. Smaller jaw. The Bizarro angles gone. The gaunt look is replaced by rounder fluff. This would all be amusing as Theater except this is how he's walking around, every day, pretending this is all perfectly normal. The weirdest thing is people act like it is. I mean, you never see photos of Mike dragging the usual 3 or 4 little boys around with him, at some awards show and see people in the background throwing up. Rumor has it he transplanted some pubic hair to his jaw to try to make a Goatee in an attempt to butch up , but the thought is too repulsive to dwell on.
Of course that's just Tabloid fodder.
The Joker

2000 age 41

  • The Japanese Anime Cartoon Guy period

Oh, this isn't looking good...a Goatee! Suddenly his jaw is an inch longer. He got his eyes pulled so tight he looks Oriental and they've ceased to line up properly. His lips have a hint of that lizard-lock smile you see on people who have overdone the facelifts. Good thing Japanese Anime cartoons are taking the US by storm so this is kind of fashionable. Hey, if you plaster the make up on enough, you can make anyone look good. A new fad are the "Glamor Shot" Stores, where women plop down huge amounts of $$$ to have technicians professionally do their make-up, hair. Photography experts professionally light them and transform the package into a drop dead gorgeous, stunning New You and take photograph evidence that it was actually managed. Everyday women are transformed into sensual, perfect creatures. Because of this It hits us that this is the trick Michael's been using in all those perfect professional photos we see of him! You mean all those photos of him are retouched?! Say it ain't so! When he's caught in public it's quite a different matter. And ack! Is that pubic hair?

2001 age 42

  • What Ever Happened To Baby Mike?
My, my.. where does one start? Here is Michael at the age of 42 with his wrecked face and apparently no makeup. Gone the artistry of the airbrush, wizardry of make up artists and the kind, magic lighting of studio crafted reality. You can see the rumored (please note inventive use of word "rumored" to avoid a law suit...) fake-nose-tip-prothesis hanging off as well as the scars. The thin little beak nose of 1997 seems to have expanded once again. It's hard to see a human being in there, and it's amazing there are plastic surgeons who can mutilate someone like this and sleep at night. I wish I had $1 for every ranting "fan" who's accused me of altering this photo or airbrushing/faking the photos on this page. I tell them that's called "getting sued to oblivion" ", if it were true on my part. All these photos are from fan or "official" web sites or major publications and can be obtained by anyone willing to use a search engine for an hour or two. Information on Mike's face, his surgeries, his bizarre personal and public actions and the words of people who have stopped covering for him fill ten of thousands of web sites.
Bette Davis in
"Whatever Happened
to Baby Jane"
a great, creepy movie

Jan 2002 age 43

  • The "Black Lagoon" phase
Big news brings Michael out of his Howard Hughes-like life and back into the spotlight when he charges his record company, Sony, is "racist". That's why his "Invincible" CD sold 2 million copies; Sony didn't promote him enough. He sez. We all get to gasp anew and ask the question - WTF?! Seems he's had his nose fixed,,,WHEW! and just got out of bed. As it is reported in the news it seems a bridge was built to widen the nasal passages. "Thank God!" the headlines say. Poor thing probably couldn't breathe! with those teensy bitty nostrils. Oh How Nice For Him! Perhaps his singing will improve, since his last album was 70 minutes of hiccups, grunts, fake crying and yips. One has to wonder why, with all his money, he can't seem to find plastic surgeons who are capable of actually doing plastic surgery. The "fixed" bridge appears as two lumpy lines and not what say, just for the sake of argument, a plastic surgeon might put in someone's face to create a nose bridge. Maybe this is a new trend in Breath-Rite Strip implants? One wonders what those Jutting Gill Bumps were on the sides of his jaw in 1997. Mike ruins his symmetry schtick with mismatched, lopsided eyes and lipstick like my senile Aunt Margaret wears. Music critics and even those in the record industry are saying OK, quite enough from this goof. There is even a TV special in the UK asking - If this is what the guy is doing to his outside, then what the hell is going on inside? What's happened to our Michael?
Mr. C.F.B. Lagoon

Oct 2002 age 44

Tracey Orvez took this photo in the parking lot of the Beverly Regent Hotel in Beverly Hills, California. She heard he was there so waited in hopes of seeing him. What a surprize it must have been to see The Mike, making his way to his limo dressed in only blue Jammies with snow flakes and polar bears on them. Always a good look for a star, I say. She asked if she could take his photo and he said long as she "stood well back".

I can't imagine why.

The publicly decried "third nostril", which appeared after the January plastic surgery (see above photo) that a few took time out of their busy days to write and inform me I was full of shit about, seems to be closing up but has left an obvious scar. The tip, which has been rumored (damn, I'm good) to have died and/or be a puttied-on prothesis looks to be dead tissue and/or a puttied on prothesis. Said Ms. Orvez: "He looked like a ghoul. When I had the picture developed, I was sick. The guy doesn't appear to have a nose."

Well, when you hack away at it for 15 years, that happens. But as my detractors write to me, I just put these vicious "lies" up because I'm "jealous". I am, boy howdy! I'm jealous I don't have whatever it is Mike's on to make his pupils the size of dinner plates. And I would really love some Polar bear and snowflake jammies myself. I wish Tracey mentioned if they had Feets in them or not! It's hell trying to find "fun" jammie feets pajamas when you're a grown up woman. How envious I am that a grown man can!

Evil Dead 2

Nov 13, 2002

  • The Latex Monkey In a Bad Wig Look of Planet Michael

The story is that Mike was in court because of a $21 million suit filed by his longtime promoter, Marcel Avram. He says Mike didn't show up for 2 concerts New Years Eve 2000 and Mike says he thought they'd been canceled so spent the night at home watching TV. ::rolling eyes:::

Jackson wore a surgical mask when entering and leaving the courthouse (gee..wonder why?). His former publicist says he routinely wears the mask "to protect his throat from pollution and germs". Like that reason in itself is a perfectly normal one. You see anyone else walking around with surgical masks on? Perhaps it's to hide the dead, rotting tip of his putty nose. Just to throw out an idea here. What I think we have here is the New Howard Hughes.

I like the wig though. I wasn't aware that the historic (3000 - 1200 BC) tradition of wearing dead marmots on your head had been revived. Are those caterpillar eyebrows? A 1000-yard stare? What a trend setter!

Thirty fans were allowed into the courtroom after winning that "honor" by Lotto.

Ari from
Planet of the Apes

Suggested and sent
by the McManus family,
Sherry, & about 80 more.
I like how you think..

Sept. 2004

  • Mr. Potatohead Michael

We can all rest easier now - Michael got a new nose courtesy of Dr. Werner Mang, a German Plastic surgeon. Not only is Dr. Mang a gifted genius, but he doesn't mind talking about how he made Michael a new nose out of part of his ear. Just in time for Mike's child molestation trial, so he's looking good. Except for wearing white to court, and everyone knows you don't wear white after Labor Day.

So Dr. Mang says that Mike's "people" in 1998 about fixing his nose, since it was rotting off his face. Mang did the operation in the office of Michael's regular plastic surgeon, the one who ought to be sued for malpractice. He took a slice of cartilage from Mike's ear and slapped that puppy on his non-nose. He stated that Michael has an obsession with plastic surgery and wants to change from a black man to a white woman. He really said that, too. I really like this doctor. He thinks like me! Michael's regular plastic surgeon said that after every album, Mike had more surgery done and always wanted a thinner nose. Michael, however, still claims he only had two procedures done on his nose and nothing else. Not one thing. His face just sort of "squared out" and, mercifully, he got a much better wig.

Mr. Potatohead

Obat obatan pembunuh Michael Jackson
DEMEROL (meperidin hidroklorida) merupakan senyawa pereda rasa nyeri setingkat dibawah morfin dan termasuk golongan narkotik yang diawasi penggunaannya. Seperti morfin, meperidin bekerja dengan menduduki 'kantor pos' tempat informasi mengenai datangnya nyeri, baik dari dalam atau luar tubuh, untuk diantarkan ke otak. Dengan pendudukan itu, penerima obat tidak lagi kesakitan karena tidak ada lagi informasi ke otak yang disampaikan. Obat ini umumnya digunakan dalam bentuk injeksi untuk mengatasi nyeri yang parah, seperti nyeri saat melahirkan. Pemberian meperidin harus disertai perhatian yang seksama terhadap pasien, karena obat ini, bahkan dalam dosis terapi, dapat menyebabkan terhambatnya sistem pernafasan dan terhentinya detak jantung. Meperidin tidak dianjurkan untuk digunakan dalam jangka panjang dan dalam dosis besar karena hasil metabolismenya di hati, normeperidin, dapat terakumulasi di dalam tubuh lalu menyebabkan tremor, kedutan, bahkan kejang. Efek samping inilah yang juga menyebabkan meperidin jarang digunakan sebagai obat pilihan diantara pereda rasa sakit golongan opioid lainnya.

OXYCONTIN (oksikodon hidroklorida) merupakan teman sepermainan Demerol. Karena oksikodon dapat dikonsumsi dalam bentuk tablet oral, obat ini merupakan obat pilihan pengganti morfin untuk mengatasi nyeri menengah hingga parah.Umumnya oksikodon digunakan untuk nyeri akibat dislokasi sendi atau patah tulang, selain juga efektif dalam mengatasi nyeri setelah operasi dan melahirkan.

ZOLOFT (sertralin hidroklorida) merupakan senyawa yang antara lain digunakan dalam penanganan depresi mayor, panic disorder, dan fobia sosial. Sertralin termasuk antidepresan golongan SSRI (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor). Terdapat beberapa hipotesis mengenai depresi dan bagaimana antidepresan dapat mengatasinya. Pada teori amin biogenik, depresi diakibatkan oleh berkurangnya jumlah neurotransmitter, senyawa pembawa informasi antar sel saraf, di sel saraf. Nah, golongan SSRI ini bekerja supaya kadar neurotransmitter di sel saraf, dalam hal ini serotonin, senyawa yang banyak mengatur kondisi emosi dan konsentrasi, tetap terjaga di rentang normal. Antidepresan SSRI merupakan obat pilihan pertama dalam penanganan depresi, karena aman digunakan untuk penderita penyakit kardiovaskular dan efek sampingnya di saluran pencernaan lebih ringan dibandingkan golongan lainnya. Namun, seperti meperidin, pemberian sertralin juga harus diperhatikan, karena pada overdosis dapat menurunkan detak jantung yang akhirnya berujung koma. Obat harus diberikan dari dosis terkecil dan sekali minum, jika bisa, untuk mencegah upaya bunuh diri dengan konsumsi obat secara berlebih yang biasanya dilakukan penderita depresi.

Dari : Sangat banyak sumber yang tidak disebutkan karena sangat banyak. Terima Kasoh Atas Seluruh infonya.


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